In high-end inspection machines using vision, the frame grabber is responsible for acquiring images in synchronization with numerous external devices such as motion or lighting controllers, not to mention the camera itself. Debugging these systems often requires complex equipment, for example, oscilloscopes and logic analyzer, which are used along with software profilers. The problem is even more acute with the latest cameras available, which allow for very fast frame rates exceeding several hundred, even thousand frames per second. Memento has been designed to simplify that process. During the operation, Memento records a very detailed log of events related to the camera, the frame grabber and its driver, as well as the host application.
Main benefits
Memento analyzer
Memento provides a logic analyzer tool, called Memento Analyzer, that receives detailed, sequenced and timing information to help measure latencies and detect defects during acquisition. The Memento Analyzer displays system events (trigger, strobe, DMA, …) on a timeline. It analyzes how buffer queues are used and how acquired images are delivered to the application. It also displays detailed information about incoming protocol data (CoaXPress, …).