Deep Learning Bundle
Convolutional Neural Network-based inspection libraries
© EURESYS S.A. - Subject to change without notice
6/27/2024 Datasheet Convolutional Neural Network-based inspection libraries ![]()
Main benefitsSpecificationsSoftware
Ordering Information
Why Choose Open eVision’s Deep Learning Bundle?
Deep Learning Bundle has been tailored, parametrized and optimized for analyzing images, particularly for machine vision applications.
Deep Learning Bundle has a simple API and the user can benefit from the power of deep learning technologies with only a few lines of code.
Try before you buy: Deep Learning Bundle comes with the free Deep Learning Studio training and evaluation application.
Deep Learning Bundle feature comparison
EasyClassify, EasySegment and EasyLocate cannot be purchased separately. They are only available as part of the Deep Learning Bundle.
DownloadDeep Learning Bundle Contents
Main benefits
Still not sure about the performance of Open eVision in your application?
We offer you a free evaluation of your vision application by our team of product specialists, using Open eVision's Deep Learning libraries and tools.
Submit my projectSpecifications
- Host PC Operating System
Open eVision is a set of 64-bit libraries that require an Intel compatible processor with the SSE4 instruction set or an ARMv8-A compatible processor.
Open eVision can be used on the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7 for x86-64 (64-bit) processor architecture
Linux for x86-64 (64-bit) and ARMv8-A (64-bit) processor architectures with a glibc version greater or equal to 2.18
Remote connections
Remote connections are allowed using remote desktop, TeamViewer or any other similar software.
Virtual machines
Virtual machines are supported. Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle VirtualBox and libvirt hypervisors have been successfully tested.
Only the Neo Licensing System is compatible with virtualization.
Minimum requirements:
2 GB RAM to run an Open eVision application
8 GB RAM to compile an Open eVision application
Between 100 MB and 2 GB free hard disk space for libraries, depending on selected options.
- APIs
Supported programming languages :
The Open eVision libraries and tools support C++, Python and the programming languages compatible with the .NET Framework (C#, VB.NET)
C++ requirements: A compiler compatible with the C++ 11 standard is required to use Open eVision
Python requirements: Python 3.11 or later is required to use the Python bindings for Open eVision
.NET requirements: .NET Framework versions 4.8 or later are supported
Supported Integrated Development Environments:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (C++, C#, VB .NET, C++/CLI)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (C++, C#, VB .NET, C++/CLI)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (C++, C#, VB .NET, C++/CLI)
QtCreator 4.15 with Qt 5.12
Ordering Information
- Product code - Description
PC4182 Open Deep Learning Bundle for USB dongle
PC4232 Open Deep Learning Bundle for PAR dongle
PC4332 Open eVision Deep Learning Bundle
- Included libraries
- Related products
PC6512 eVision/Open eVision USB Dongle (empty)
PC6513 eVision/Open eVision Parallel Dongle (empty)
PC6514 Neo USB Dongle (empty)
Still not sure about the performance of Open eVision in your application?
We offer you a free evaluation of your vision application by our team of product specialists, using Open eVision's Deep Learning libraries and tools.
Submit my projectStill not sure about the performance of Open eVision in your application?
We offer you a free evaluation of your vision application by our team of product specialists, using Open eVision's Deep Learning libraries and tools.
In order to be able to work on your project, we need as much information as possible about what you are trying to achieve. What are your requirements in terms of accuracy and processing time? Which platform (CPU / GPU, Windows / Linux, Intel / ARM) do you plan to use? How are your images captured? How are they annotated / labelled, etc.