eGrabber 25.02
- Improved eGrabber adapter for Cognex VisionPro
This release of eGrabber adds the possibility to get and set GenICam features, to execute GenICam commands, and to get the value of GenTL info via the eGrabber adapter for Cognex VisionPro.
This adapter allows to use Euresys frame grabbers driven by eGrabber in Cognex VisionPro. - New “4-camera” area-scan firmware variant for PC3625 Coaxlink QSFP+
This release of eGrabber adds the “4-camera” firmware variant for PC3625 Coaxlink QSFP+.
The “4-camera” firmware variant allows to connect up to four single-connection area-scan cameras to PC3625 Coaxlink QSFP+ via a breakout cable. - DVAL gating support for PC1628 Grablink Duo
This release of eGrabber adds the support of Camera Link DVAL signal as clock qualifier for PC1628 Grablink Duo.
This feature, also known as DVAL gating, allows the support of low-speed cameras with pixel rates below 20 MHz (the lower limit of the Camera Link clock frequency).